Traditional and SAME DAY Dental Crowns
in Beaufort, SC
We try to make your experience at Beaufort Center for Dentistry as pleasant as possible, but let’s face it, patients typically prefer treatment to be completed within one appointment. Amazing advancements in dental technology allow tooth restorations to be created in a dental office, all in one single visit! Our team at Beaufort Center for Dentistry would be glad to take a look at your smile to see if one or more dental crown treatments could be used to repair your smile. Contact our office today!
How long do dental crowns last?
Dental crowns can last anywhere between 10 and 15 years. The best way for patients to ensure that their dental restorations last for as long as possible is by practicing good oral hygiene at home and attending routine dental appointments. While there are no food restrictions that come with dental crowns, we recommend that you avoid using your crown and your natural teeth to chew things like ice, hard candy, and popcorn kernels, and you should never use your teeth to open packages.
Is it painful to have a crown put on your tooth?
Before any modifications are made to the tooth or teeth that are receiving crowns, a local anesthetic is always administered into the gums to completely numb the mouth. You may feel some pressure as your tooth is being reshaped and your crown is being placed, but it should not be painful. You should feel very little to no discomfort after the numbness wears off either, but it’s never a bad idea to keep some over-the-counter pain medication on hand just in case.

What is the difference between a traditional and CEREC one-visit crown?
Using CAD/CAM technology, a digital image of your tooth is created and the CEREC milling machine will create a crown to your exact dimensions. No impressions will be taken and no temporary is made! You will walk away with a natural looking crown designed in-office for you. A traditional crown takes a few visits, but will also leave you with a beautiful, natural looking restoration. Dr. Costa will take your impressions and send them to a lab to have a permanent crown made. You will be given a temporary crown while we wait for the lab to finish making your crown. Once received, the permanent crown will be placed on your tooth at a second appointment.