Custom Dental Veneers
in Beaufort, SC
Is there something about your smile that you wish you could change? Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a picture-perfect smile, but you can still achieve one thanks to porcelain veneers. At Beaufort Center for Dentistry, we can provide natural-looking veneers to fix small aesthetic concerns as well as create full smile makeovers.
What are veneers?
A type of
There’s so much that can be improved with the help of cosmetic veneers, including small chips and gaps, uneven tooth length, misshapen teeth, and severe staining.
Once your porcelain veneers are complete, we’ll call you back for your second visit. That’s when we’ll place the veneers on your teeth and make any necessary adjustments.
How long do veneers last?
How long veneers last can vary from patient to patient depending on how well they take care of them and how much wear and tear they take. Generally speaking, dental veneers last around 10 years. Many people have had them for up to 20 years though!

How much do dental veneers cost?
The full cost of the dental veneers procedure depends on how many teeth are being treated and how complex the case is. To get an accurate cost estimate, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our Beaufort practice. During this visit, we’re also happy to consult you on the numerous financial options available with us, including CareCredit financing.
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