Custom Mouthguards & Nightguards
in Beaufort, SC

Looking for a dental office in Beaufort that offers custom oral appliances? Whether you need a custom nightguard for chronic teeth grinding or your child needs a new athletic mouthguard to wear during their games and practices, Beaufort Center for Dentistry would be glad to assist. Contact our office today to learn more and schedule your next visit!

football player with mouthguard

What are nightguards used for?

Nightguards are protective devices worn over the teeth, typically at night, to prevent damage caused by teeth grinding (bruxism) or clenching. They are often recommended for people who grind their teeth during sleep, which can lead to worn-down teeth, jaw pain, headaches, and other dental issues. Nightguards provide a cushioning barrier between the upper and lower teeth, reducing the risk of fractures, chips, and excessive tooth wear. They also help alleviate strain on the jaw muscles and joints, promoting overall oral health and reducing discomfort.

boy playing soccer

What’s the difference between OTC oral appliances and custom mouthguards?

Over-the-counter (OTC) athletic guards are pre-made, one-size-fits-all devices designed to protect teeth during athletic activities. They are usually made from a soft, pliable material and can offer basic protection but may not fit perfectly or provide optimal comfort. Custom-made guards, on the other hand, are specially crafted by dental professionals to fit the unique shape of an individual’s teeth and mouth. They offer superior protection, comfort, and durability compared to OTC options, making them more effective for both athletic use and preventing damage from teeth grinding or clenching.

man sleeping

How do I take care of my nightguards or mouthguards?

To keep your nightguard or mouthguard in good condition, rinse it with cool water or a mild, non-alcoholic mouthwash before and after each use. Clean it regularly with a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to remove any debris or plaque. Avoid using hot water, which can warp the material. Store the guard in a ventilated case to prevent bacterial growth, and keep it away from pets, heat, and direct sunlight. Regularly check for signs of wear or damage and bring it to dental appointments for professional cleaning and inspection.